Rethinking the Payment Flow

Nascent Digital for TELUS
Role: Senior Product Designer
Responsibilities: Leading user research, wireframing, low and high fidelity prototyping, support hand-off and development of features, and any other design related tasks.

My Team:
Dan Lam – Product Owner
Sara Abuzinadah – Content Strategy & Writing
Prateem Shresta – iOS Development
Patricio Salazar – Android Development
Praveen Shiva – QA

The Opportunity

The in-app payment flow was to be migrated to a new platform.

This gave the product team A chance to update the experience and add a few more features.

Main objectives


  1. Improve payment conversions

  2. Introduce a way for users to save and manage multiple credit cards


  1. Make the payment flow cleaner and more intuitive

  2. Introduce the new design system into the payment flow

Key solution elements

Quick and easy payments

Simplify the payment flow to make payments as friction-less as possible

Customers are in control

Payment options and their status should always be visible and clear

Expedite simple tasks

Reduce the amount of time and effort required for a customer to complete quick tasks

Promote trust with our users

The payment experience should increase our users’ trust in our brand and the service they are paying for

Design Exploration

I created multiple design iterations exploring different ways to select payment methods and save credit cards through the flow

We ensured alignment between design, business and development needs through constant communication and collaboration

Final Designs

One-time payment flow

Setting up Automatic Payments

Payment method Management

Figma Hand off

Final designs were cleaned up and annotated to provide context for the team’s developers. For this project, we decided to group screens per user flow.

Design QA and DEV Collaboration

Throughout the project I worked with the team’s developers to ensure the production build was as close to the designs as possible.